Arrived In Philippines

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb,
Mabuhai Po,,

Welcome to My Blog.. Welcome to Philippines, firstly I would like to say thank you to Allah SWT because with his mercy I could be here in Manila without any obstacle.. This is my first time go abroad and I’d love to. Ya because with one reason I’ll be here, that is following Sea-Teacher Project 5th batch by Southeast Asian Minister Of Education Organization ( SEAMEO) In this Program followed by some countries of ASEAN. The projects aim to have teaching experiences so the students enable develop their teaching skills, practice English skills in schools and to gain a broader regional and world view. Several students who are selected will teaching practicum but not in their own country but go exchange for one month.

Based on that, during practicum teaching I will report about my activities every weeks like class observation, teaching assistance, actual teaching and reflection and evaluation. But before started all that activities, I will reported about orientation where I will be to be placed. I placed in Far Eastern University (FEU) and will be teach in FEU high School, subject who I’m gonna teach is physics. Far Eastern University accepted about 3 students from Indonesia, there were Sri Jayati from Makassar State University, Nurul Ezkanandyta from Indonesia University of Education and also, from my lovely campus Tadulako University . Oh yaa I’m forget to introduce my self. My name is Aqidatul Izzah, and to be here was one of my million dream, if going to abroad for holiday is cool but going to abroad representatives your college and country that extraordinary! Thank you SEAMEO and Far Eastern University.

I arrived in Philippines on January 20th, picked up by Dr. Stephen Jay, D. Co as Program Head of Institute Education and Dr. Normita Cobarubias.

Meeting For First Time at Airport with Dr. Stephen Jay. Co

Having Lunch with Dr. Normita Cobarubias
