First Week Activities ( Part 2)

In the first week actually I was so lucky because FEU celebrated their foundation day  by some activities like concert and another activities from college, and i attendance the day.. Happy Foundation Day FEU  and the age of FEU already 90th

When  First Weekend coming,, Me, Sri, and Nurul went to some places accompined by Sir Jeremy we planned to Mall of Asia, which if I was not mistaken, the mall is the one of the largest mall in ASEAN, even in the world ( you can check it on google) haha… After went around, we went to the National Museum of Philipinnes. The atmosphere look like Europe Architecture, and many things I have seen there and I was so surpise that when I met  the picture of Muslim and Muslimah man waw!!. Because Every moment is story and I decided to take the picture of course heheh.(Thank you For Sir Jeremy for helped us to taken the moment, we really like how the way you shooted us by camera)

Having Lunch

Potrait of Muslimah

Potrait of Muslim Man                                                                                Founder of FEU Dr. Nicanor Reyes
