First Week Activities part 1

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah..

Apa Kabar teman-teman?
How are you?
hahaha.. you could choose which one of language to answer eventhough in Filipino language i have to more learn

Come On we start my activities on first week!! In here what i've got on first week :

On 23th January, it was my first time going to FEU High School, because their students in midterms so I was start observing on 24th January.

General Information
            There are several activities I was observing for one week not only observing the classes but also I have observed some extracurricular activities and programs of FEU High School, also general information and acadmic service in FEU . FEU High School itself have the lessons about 5 days and on Wednesday they don’t have a formal classes. Besides that, it is also divided into four strand for grade 11th and 12th such STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), ABM (Accountant, Business  Management), HUMS ( Humanities and Social Sciences), GAS ( General Academic Strand). Below details for activities I was observing.

 School Profile


FEU Senior High School is located at Rm 201, High School Buliding, Nicanor Reyers Sr. 1015 Manila, Philippines,  telephone number: (+632) 7355621; direct line : 7360018 website:  This school is one of program development schools of Institute of Education of the Far Eastern University.

History and Background
In 1928, Nicanor Reyes Sr. opened the university door to its first set of college students and FEU Senior High School formally just opened in 2016 which provides quality education with curriculum that is designed to be student centered with technology as one of their key tools. Later on, FEU Senior High School offered four different strands; STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy Business, and Management), HUMS (Humanities and Social Sciences), GAS (General Academic Strand).
At present, the school opens its doors to all high school applicants. Now, FEU Senior High School is an institution that offers among all students good facilities to develop their skills and interest. In FEU High School is divided two grades, they are 11th -12th grade. 

            FEU High School graduates flourish in college or at work and lead meaningful and rewarding lives. They are critical thinkers, good communicators, and digitally literate lifelong learners; morally upright persons; and socially responsible citizens.
            FEU High School provides quality education prepares its graduate for the world of work, for college, and for life. Its curriculum is students-centered, values-oriented, and competency-laden; its delivery methods technology-enabled, and its learning activities project-based.
            Goals of FEU High School based on philosophy of Tamaraws as core values. The Core values are became  Fortitude to persevere and achieve more than expected, Excellence is a commitment to perform the fullest potential while thriving in a culture of excellence and Uprightness means development of morality and integrity is expected as learn inside and outside classroom.

Personnel Information
In FEU High School, there are around 4000 students in all grades; eleven and twelve grades divided into strands. The school is led by their Executive Director, Miss Maria Regina Corazon Sevilla Sibal. Each strand is headed by one coordinator, who monitors the curriculum itself if it is being executed, and who makes the decision for the strand itself. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), has the biggest population in terms of students and teachers. It is composed of 43 teachers of different area of expertise. The Humanities and Social Sciences strand, has the second largest population among students and teachers, it has 36 teachers. And the Accountancy, Business and Management strand, has 17 teachers. So the school has a total of 96 professional educators of different majors.
To impose discipline to the students, the Academic Services head appointed 7 discipline officers, divided for grade 11 and grade 12 cases, who also work hand in hand with the Guidance office (GO CARE) who has 4 personnel.  To make sure that students are equipped academically, the library offers different services with the help of our four librarians. The school also makes sure that students are safe within the campus, so they hired 2 professional nurses, who also work together with the University clinic, in cases that medical attention is urgently needed. The school also has to take care of the confidential files of the students that’s why they have 5 personnel in the Registrar, Admissions and Marketing 4 personnel for the Administrative Services, 5 for the Finance Office and 2 personnel for the Human Resource Office.
So the school has a total of 121 family members, who work together to make sure that every operations for the students run smoothly. 

Academic Support System
FEU High School is supported by facilities and many programs to develop skills that students interest every strand. These are FEU High School classrooms


Teaching System

A week of learning is held for 5 days. Every Strand has their own subject. For each subject, it has during 1 hour 45 minutes. Like Below:


Grades 11 and 12
Chemistry1, Biology1, Chemistry 2, Biology 2, General Physics 1 and 2, Pre-Calculus, Work Immersion, Research

Applied Economics, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business Math, Business Finance, Organizational Management, Principles of Marketing, Work Immersion, Research

Creative Writing, Introduction to World Religions and Belief System, 21st Century Culture, Philippine Politics and Governance, Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship, Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences, Work Immersion.

Humanities 1 and 2, Social System, Applied Economics, Organization and Management, Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Teaching system for every teacher was different per each class, sometimes directional learning, cooperative learning which is working in groups and discovery learning which is the process of discovery concept by student itself and experiment activities.

Materials and Other Learning Sources
For the materials, the teachers in FEU High School that teaches English but still mixed with Tagalog Language.  Teachers use internet (Book Online) and textbook, to get teaching aids (for power point presentation) and English as Second Language (ESL) in that school. For experiment activities the learning sources based on completely laboratory apparatus.

Measurement and Evaluation System
This school has different measurement and evaluation system with school in my country, Indonesia. FEU High School has some criteria for measurement and evaluation as follows:

Score Range
74.4 below
All of the schools in Philippines use the curriculum from the government. It’s called K to 12 means education obligatory start from Kindergarten to 12th Grade. The Curriculum was implemented 4 years ago, after the former President Benigno Aquino mandated this so that the Philippine schools will have the same number of years with the other South East Asian Countries. With that, the Far Eastern University used the same curriculum, two years now after its opening. This is to make sure that, students get to choose the right track for their future profession. The curriculum also would like to help those students, to make them work-ready after graduating from Senior High School 
Teaching Plan (of My Major)
However, the teachers in FEU High School make their own lesson plans called Teacher   Guide but still parallel to the National curriculum following the guidelines of the Department of Education. This Teaching Guide is mapped and aligned to the DepEd SHS Curriculum, designed to be highly usable for teachers. It contains classroom activities and pedagogical notes, and is integrated with innovative pedagogies. All of these elements are presented in the following parts:

1.    Introduction
a.       Highlight key concepts and identify the essential questions
b.      Show the big picture
c.       Connect and/or review prerequisite knowledge
d.      Clearly communicate learning competencies and objectives
e.       Motivate through applications and connections to real-life
2.    Motivation
a.    Give local examples and applications
b.    Engage in a game or movement activity
c.    Provide a hands-on/laboratory activity
d.   Connect to a real-life problem
3.    Instruction/Delivery
a.       Give a demonstration/lecture/simulation/hands-on activity
b.      Show step-by-step solutions to sample problems
c.       Give applications of the theory
d.      Connect to a real-life problem if applicable
4.    Practice
a.       Discuss worked-out examples
b.      Provide easy-medium-hard questions
c.       Give time for hands-on unguided classroom work and discovery
d.      Use formative assessment to give feedback
5.    Enrichment
a.       Provide additional examples and applications
b.      Introduce extensions or generalizations of concepts
c.       Engage in reflection questions
d.      Encourage analysis through higher order thinking prompts
6.    Evaluation
a.       Supply a diverse question bank for written work and exercises
b.      Provide alternative formats for student work: written homework, journal, portfolio, group/individual projects, student-directed research project
There are, what i've got about general information of FEU High School here, i will explain detail observation in first week :
1. Materials and Learning Resources
Science Club is the one of extracurricular activities offered in FEU High School. Meetings are held once every month, the club accommodates all the students with maximum of only 40 students for each classes. The materials were using learning resources such laboratory apparatus, laptop, another material needed for , power point presentation,  projector and worksheet.
Teaching System is experimental. So in this case, There are two activities that I was attending, simple destilation activities doing purifying and separated of real water and etanol and activities of pH and temperature. The objectives were determine the effect of temperature and pH in the enzyme activities.
2. Pedagogycal Contents
2.1 Teaching Methods
               Teaching  methods was using is discovery learning which is  some activities  divide three steps such are 
introduction session, core activities, and closing activities. Introduction session were orientation and motivation . 
Orientation activities were greetings  and pray  together, then given some short explanation about what going to 
do and divide student for some groups.  Core Activities session is stimulation based on a video to focus
 on material, tops methods and procedures scientific and occupational safety in the laboratory then let the student 
did, but still controlled by teacher. This methods  is a process of inductive inquiry where learners conducting 
experiments, a theory which closely resembles the scientific process. 
           During the process, student following teachers rules and some of them so excited, asking sometimes   
about experiment but not at all . Teacher in happy feelings to explain the details. At the closing session, 
teacher asked one student who represented each group presented of the result and give some conclusion. 
For Simple Destilation experiment teacher given worksheet as report in the end activities. 
2.2 Using Materials and Innovation
               At this part, materials using based on video presentation but one things that the activities be success
 a  that is completely laboratory apparatus, so it can be the strength . 
The Innovation as long as observer be seen based on completely stuffs in laboratory and the approach
 did experiments.  
Experiments of Effect of pH and temperature in the enzyme activities
The Student did the experiments on liver
Simple Destilation Experiments
Teacher Controlled the Experiment
            Alternative Integrated Class  is the program of FEU High School, which is the students from another strand could take classes they interested like science, arts ,business, and so on.  but its not the formal class . Every student  for one semester required to take two classes. I was observed at science class. And duration of each class about one hour thirty minutes, teacher can responsible two classes.
1. Materials and Learning Resources
            The materials was using learning resources such power point presentation and projector. Teaching system that is direction learning.       
2. Pedagogycal Contents
    2.1 Teaching Methods
                        Teacher started the class with some steps,  divide three steps such are introduction session, core activities, and closing activities. Introduction session were greetings  and pray  together, then started with given explanation based on powerpoint presentation as core activities and closing activities with watched the video and reflection.
     2.2  Using Materials and Innovation
             At this part, materials using focus on video as presentation and the  Innovation as long as observer be seen, the innovation like management the classes with a approach. So that, it will be the one of the strength, besides focuses of student also still low and become opportunity for increase other teaching system.

1. Materials and Learning Resources
I was observing some classes which the strand is STEM and ABM, grade 11th and 12th   and generally the materials was using learning resources such power point presentation and projector, sometimes another material for learning like materials for games. Teaching system for every teacher was different sometimes direction learning, cooperative learning which is working in groups, and discovery learning which is the process of discovery concept by student it self.
2. Pedagogycal Contents
    2.1 Teaching Methods
            Every teacher has different methods based on teaching system will  be used but generally divided into three steps such introduction, core activities, and closing activities. In introduction session, teacher did daily routine like motivation  with recall back previous objectives, there are also using games at the beginning of learning, and then  teacher told what the goals of student be able to  after learning. Core activities focus on teacher methods in learning. When I was observing with between 2 teacher, they have different methods to using  like power point presentation, working students into group, and games. During the process,  I could be seen how the way teacher manage classroom and manage time with their own methods. Manage the classromm talking about how the teacher can handle the students with different character and manner  to making students more participate in learning. In Closing activities, teacher make evaluation with test and quiz
     2.2  Using Materials and Innovation
             At this part, every objectives were using different, one teacher focuses on powerpoint presentation and another one focuses on give the students task about performance task about the topic. The Innovation as long as observer be seen, if the innovation talking about new approach to made students more participating than before with usually methods, it could be said the innovation could be seen. So that, it will be the strength eventhough beside that focuses of student also still low and become opportunity for increase other teaching system.
First Teacher i have observed

Students answer the question

Second Teacher

Students talking about performance task

So generally, what i have got in FEU High School that :

Pedagogical Contents

Teaching Methods
Every teacher has different methods based on teaching systems which will  be used but generally divided into three steps such introduction, core activities, and closing activities. In introduction session, teacher did daily routine like motivation with recall back previous objectives, there are also using games at the beginning of learning, and then teacher told what the goals of student be able to after learning. Core activities focus on teacher methods in learning based on level competency of the students
During the process, I could be seen how the way teacher manage classroom and manage time with their own methods. Manage the classroom talking about how the teacher can handle the students with different character and manner  to making students more participate in learning because students’ characteristics are different; some students are active in the class, and some of them are passive or seems like they feel shy and unconfident to be active in the classroom. In closing activities, teacher makes evaluation with test and quiz. In the class, teacher using English to explain the formula of physics and to more explain about concept using Philippines language

  Learning Materials and Innovation
               At this part, every objective in meeting were using different, teacher focuses on power point presentation then students given performance task about the topic and teacher making games related to objectives. The Innovation as long as i have seen, if the innovation talking about new approach to made students more participating than before with usually methods, it could be said the innovation could be seen. So that, it will be the strength even beside that focuses of student also still low and become opportunity for increase other teaching approach.
   Sources of Learning and Technology
Teachers use internet to get teaching aids and in the library facilitate for online books, so the students or teacher not carry textbooks more even though they still have to. The technology in the classroom, there are projector can be used by the teacher to deliver the materials, the students not only learn in the class but sometimes in the laboratory.
  Authentic Assessment
The foundation of authentic assessment revolves around evaluating a students’ ability to apply what they have learned in physics. Students are asked to quiz or another test to evaluation at the end of the class or at the end of the topics. It’s also with midterm and final semester which standardized on the same grade level for every strands.
